Digital Marketing, SEO

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Posted On: By Postali

MozCon 2021 is over, but we’ve gathered the key takeaways from this annual SEO-centric conference. Industry leaders shared (in-person and virtually) their experience, research, and advice on best practices for search marketing campaigns.

As your legal marketing fiduciary, we want to briefly share how developing SEO trends will impact law firms looking to boost their rankings and revenue. You’ll also hear what some of our Postali team members have to say about digital marketing strategies.

EAT with Greater Authority & Relatability

Web rankings continue to be influenced by content that follows the EAT standard:

  • Expertise
  • Authority
  • Trustworthiness

Gain Rapport with Potential Clients

One of the most revealing takeaways from MozCon 2021 is how authority and relatability rev up your search engine power. You can significantly increase your SEO ranking by projecting a greater sense of authority with a down-to-earth rapport.

Your content should relate to potential clients in ways that address their pain and offer solutions. Keep your content meaningful, relatable, and knowledgeable, but never condescending. That way, you could gobble up your competition (we couldn’t resist).

Build Connections. Increase in Rankings

Keep in mind that your audience is looking for an attorney, not a legal scholar. Consider this advice from Sam Knight, an SEO specialist at Postali: “Build a sense of connection with your client base.” Sam says that when people trust your content, they use it – and that’s reflected in your SEO rankings.

Quality over Quantity Works Best

Another key takeaway from MozCon 2021 is that quality more than quantity wins the SEO race. A hefty word count or adding more blogs to your archive may sound like the best option, but high-quality content achieves the best SEO results in the long game.

Repurpose Old Content

Before you bust out more content, audit what you already have and find ways to make it better. Is the content answering the user’s question? Does it have enough internal links? Is it skimmable? These are all ways to beef up your content.

Provide Answers to Simple Questions

The highest-ranking content isn’t the fanciest or most complex. We know for a fact that our clients get the greatest pings from headlines that are as simple as “how much is my accident worth?” or “What if my claim is denied?

Visitors need to connect with you on a deeper basis before they trust you enough to become clients. Your content should reflect how real people search for help. Answer their questions, offer potential solutions, and show how you’ve helped other people in the same situation.

Engage Your Audience

Katie Bradley, Strategic Marketing Manager at Postali, advises: “Keep your audience engaged, from the first click to their last.”

The key to engagement, Katie says, is to:

  • Speak with authority in terms that people understand.
  • Show, don’t tell, how your knowledge of the law brings tangible results.
  • Link wisely to reliable, well-respected sources.
  • Keep your content updated and fresh with regular additions and revisions.
  • Naturally use keywords that make it easy for people to find you.

Put Yourself in Your Client’s Shoes

At the end of the day, you want to give your client what they need. As you know, when a client experiences a car accident or has been accused of a crime, they need answers to questions like, “How do I fight against an insurance company that denied my claim?” or “Is it worth trying to beat a drug charge?”

That’s why it takes someone who understands their audience to give them much-desired insight in their darkest hour.

Your content can identify with your audience in four ways:

  1. Identify someone’s pain or need.
  2. Introduce your law services as a solution.
  3. Inform your audience with authority and examples of real-world application.
  4. Invoke an emotional response that shows you understand and are ready to make their pain go away.

Takeaway from Postali: We Get Results

As much as we enjoy getting our geek on at MozCon, our Postali team loves to use our SEO brainpower to help solo practitioners and mid-sized law firms around the country. Everything we do, from competitor research to web design, is done to help our clients build and expand their market share.

Want to learn more about how our full-service marketing agency can help your law practice? Contact us at for a free consultation and follow us @postali.


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