As a kid, I remember asking my parents to drive by McDonald’s just so I could see if the number of billions served had moved one notch closer to the 100 billion mark. It was a thrill to see the number creep up to that milestone (even though it still pains me that they opted for “billions and billions served” rather than continuing the march to hamburger infinity). In any event, Postali reached a milestone this week by mailing its 2 millionth letter since we began tracking this statistic. This achievement is worth mentioning mainly because we owe a debt of gratitude to all of the attorneys who have helped us get to this mark. As a way to share in the celebration of this milestone, Postali would like to offer 100 free letters to any of our existing clients who are willing to share a milestone that we have helped them achieve.
I know that there are readers out there who we have not yet had the privilege of working with, but fear not, we haven’t forgotten about you. Give us a call and we can chat about your practice, milestones you’ve achieved and, more importantly, the ones still on the horizon.
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