If you’re part of a small law firm, creating an effective marketing strategy can be daunting. You may find it difficult to compete with the larger firms in your area with more marketing dollars to spend. You’re not sure if you can afford a new website or if direct mail marketing makes sense for you. As a smaller firm, you may have a less predictable flow of clients, which makes setting a marketing budget difficult.

At Postali, we have found that a small law firm can become a top competitor in any market.

It takes smart budgeting, careful planning and a thorough strategy on how to make your small law firm stand out.

Large law firms often have teams dedicated to the operational side of the business. A small law firm owner’s job is often twofold: practice law and manage the day-to-day operations, marketing and finances of the firm.

We often hear that budgeting for marketing is the most difficult aspect of managing a small law firm. With seemingly endless marketing options, you’re not sure what will really help you reach potential new clients. Even if you know which marketing tactics may make sense, you’re not sure if you can afford it.

The truth is, you can’t afford not to invest in marketing.

Your firm may be equipped with talented, qualified attorneys. But it’s unlikely that you have the in-house expertise needed to plan and execute marketing strategies that will help your firm achieve profitable, consistent business growth. It’s also unlikely that you have the time to dedicate to website design, content writing, SEO and blogging on a regular basis.

That’s where we come in.

For our small law firm clients, Postali becomes an indispensable part of business operations. Sure, we’ll build you a website and handle your SEO and PPC marketing. But our value spans far beyond executing marketing tactics.

We work with small law firm owners every day. We’ve been a part of the growth and success stories of our clients and offer our first-hand knowledge to every new Postali client. Whether you want to remain a small, boutique firm or grow into something larger, we will create a marketing plan that helps you achieve those goals.

Small Law Firms


Small Law Firm Websites

With law firm websites, the quality of the content you produce is more important than the quantity. We will create a compelling design with a strategic content plan to make the most of your budget.

We typically recommend starting with a small website and consistently adding content on a monthly basis. This helps your website build search engine authority while also spreading out the cost over a longer time period.

What this looks like depends on the size of your firm, practice areas, the number of attorneys and how many offices you have. For example, a small personal injury law firm with 2 attorneys may have the following website plan:

  • Launch a website with 15 pages, including a homepage, contact page, attorney biographies and a page covering all major practice areas (i.e. car accidents, truck accidents, medical malpractice)
  • Launch a blog with 1-2 posts per month on timely, relevant topics.
  • Plan a phased approach to adding more granular content. This may include content on motorcycle and pedestrian accidents, state-specific laws or specific types of premises liability
  • Plan an annual audit of content and design to evaluate and make any necessary changes
  • Plan advanced tactics for the second year after the website launch. This may include video content, infographics or web experiences like an interactive map of auto accidents in your state.

Your small law firm has a story behind it. Potential clients are interested in that story and what makes your firm unique. Maybe it’s your firm’s dedication to providing best-in-class service to your clients that they may not get as a client of a larger firm. Perhaps it’s extensive experience in a particular area of law.

Whatever your firm’s story is, we’ll make sure to highlight it in a compelling way through website design and content development.

What this looks like depends on the size of your firm, practice areas, the number of attorneys and how many offices you have. For example, a small personal injury law firm with 2 attorneys may have the following website plan:

  • Launch a website with 15 pages, including a homepage, contact page, attorney biographies and a page covering all major practice areas (i.e. car accidents, truck accidents, medical malpractice)
  • Launch a blog with 1-2 posts per month on timely, relevant topics.
  • Plan a phased approach to adding more granular content. This may include content on motorcycle and pedestrian accidents, state-specific laws or specific types of premises liability
  • Plan an annual audit of content and design to evaluate and make any necessary changes
  • Plan advanced tactics for the second year after the website launch. This may include video content, infographics or web experiences like an interactive map of auto accidents in your state.

Your small law firm has a story behind it. Potential clients are interested in that story and what makes your firm unique. Maybe it’s your firm’s dedication to providing best-in-class service to your clients that they may not get as a client of a larger firm. Perhaps it’s extensive experience in a particular area of law.

Whatever your firm’s story is, we’ll make sure to highlight it in a compelling way through website design and content development.


Digital Marketing: Starting Small

While our web design and content teams are busy building your firm’s website, our marketing team is planning the most effective way to get potential clients to it.

For small law firms, our marketing approach often focuses on the most profitable tactics.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is one of the most successful ways for small law firms to attract new clients. It’s a predictable, flat cost structure that yields increasingly higher returns on your investment. For many small law firms, SEO is the largest source of new clients.
  • PPC (Paid Search). PPC is an immediate way to get potential clients to your website. However, it requires a specific skillset and can be one of the more expensive marketing channels if not leveraged properly. We can recommend the best way to approach PPC marketing within your budget.
  • Law Firm Directories. There are many free and paid options to put your firm on the map through legal directory listings like Avvo, FindLaw and Justia. We will build and manage your online presence to make sure your attorneys are there wherever potential clients are searching.

For small law firms, our marketing approach often focuses on the most profitable tactics.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is one of the most successful ways for small law firms to attract new clients. It’s a predictable, flat cost structure that yields increasingly higher returns on your investment. For many small law firms, SEO is the largest source of new clients.
  • PPC (Paid Search). PPC is an immediate way to get potential clients to your website. However, it requires a specific skillset and can be one of the more expensive marketing channels if not leveraged properly. We can recommend the best way to approach PPC marketing within your budget.
  • Law Firm Directories. There are many free and paid options to put your firm on the map through legal directory listings like Avvo, FindLaw and Justia. We will build and manage your online presence to make sure your attorneys are there wherever potential clients are searching.

Direct Mail Marketing for Small Law Firms

Postali’s direct mail campaigns are a cost-effective way for small firms to bring in a steady flow of new business. That’s because it’s highly targeted. You’re reaching the potential clients who need you the most.

Our process focuses on timeliness and accuracy of addresses – both of which work together to ensure your mail is producing a return on the investment. Direct mail campaigns are highly customizable based on the types of cases and the jurisdictions your firm is interested in mailing in. Many small firms start mailing in one or two counties and then expand as their business grows.

Our process focuses on timeliness and accuracy of addresses – both of which work together to ensure your mail is producing a return on the investment. Direct mail campaigns are highly customizable based on the types of cases and the jurisdictions your firm is interested in mailing in. Many small firms start mailing in one or two counties and then expand as their business grows.


Setting a Growth Plan

You probably have a vision for where you want your law firm to be in the next few years. You may want to grow geographically or eventually add new practice areas. Maybe you want to stay small but increase your profits each year. We’ll help refine that vision and turn it into a plan that produces results.

We focus on making decisions about your firm’s marketing strategy that support your long-term goals. For example, if a small personal injury practice plans to grow into a larger, general practice firm, we may make different recommendations about a website domain name.

Small law firms come to Postali at various stages. Whether you’re starting out or have been established for years and are simply looking to re-think your marketing strategies, we’ll set a plan and work with you on achieving it.

The truth is that small law firms need to think differently. You may not be able to do everything you want within the first year. We won’t give you a laundry list of marketing services and ask you to choose. We won’t sell you something your business doesn’t need right now. We will set realistic goals and expectations based on our experience in helping small law firms grow their business.

We focus on making decisions about your firm’s marketing strategy that support your long-term goals. For example, if a small personal injury practice plans to grow into a larger, general practice firm, we may make different recommendations about a website domain name.

Small law firms come to Postali at various stages. Whether you’re starting out or have been established for years and are simply looking to re-think your marketing strategies, we’ll set a plan and work with you on achieving it.

The truth is that small law firms need to think differently. You may not be able to do everything you want within the first year. We won’t give you a laundry list of marketing services and ask you to choose. We won’t sell you something your business doesn’t need right now. We will set realistic goals and expectations based on our experience in helping small law firms grow their business.


Not sure where to begin?

Get started with a marketing audit.